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Benny&Co. Foundation Annual Fundraiser

The annual fundraiser of the Benny&Co. Foundation had a new concept this year! The “Taste & Give Day” became “The Benny&Co. Foundation Annual Fundraiser” and lasted from April 1 to 18, 2021. During these days, customers were invited to make donations in order to allow young people with special needs to live enriching and entertaining experiences during a specially organized stay, and thus give their parents a little bit of a rest.

This year, the three organizations we supported were Camp Papillon, The Franco-Ontarian Autism Society and the Lotus Centre. Our goal was to raise $97,500, or $1,500 per restaurant. This goal was surpassed, as $132,000 was finally donated to the different foundations thanks to our clients and franchisees.

Thank you for your generosity!

There are two ways to donate at any time, either in one of our 69 restaurants in Quebec and Ontario or by clicking here.

Benny & Co. Foundation Other Activities